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瑞秋多国评价voy '14: An incredible nursing career credited to EC

mg冰球突破豪华版下载毕业后, 瑞秋多国评价voy ’14 has had an incredible career in the medical field – a career she credits to EC.

The first thing that drew McEvoy to EC was its beautiful campus. In addition to EC's beauty, she loved the small class sizes. When she attended a nursing open house the faculty greeted her with open arms and every student she spoke with was genuinely happy to be at EC. Even as a visitor, McEvoy could tell EC was a supportive family, making her decision to attend easy.

As a student in the nursing program, McEvoy liked the structure of the classes.

"Professors started with the basics and helped you work your way through to the very technical skills,她说. “教授们很容易接近, 多样化的, 知识渊博的, and always willing to help and offer advice."

And those relationships continued after she graduated.

After EC, it was not hard for McEvoy to find a job. She had developed the skills necessary to be a well-rounded nurse and stood out amongst other applicants. EC gave her three years of experience in the hospitals and McEvoy also held the position of care partner at a local medical facility through college. 在她所有的经历中, she was able and encouraged to network with professionals in the field which helped her on the job hunt.

离开学校, McEvoy worked 作为护士 on a trauma unit for a few years before working at a community health agency, Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Developmental 服务, 公司. (cid). 在这个位置, she worked with low-income families throughout a pregnancy and then into the child's development until they turned two years old. This position required more than just healthcare. The team worked with families to enable them to give their children the best life possible and to reach their full potential.

McEvoy has enjoyed the variety available to her in the field.

"There are so many options for jobs in the nursing field and, 作为护士, you have opportunities to work in different settings,她说. "Also, your specialization can always change."

这就是麦克沃伊采取的方法. She continued her schooling and became a nurse practitioner. And her path recently brought her back to 埃尔迈拉大学 to serve as director of the Clarke Health Center.

She's excited to see the advancements in technology that help today's students. But she also feels strongly that it is equally important to focus on the basics.

"Do not underestimate the basics,她说. “基础很重要。."

除此之外, she recommends anyone interested in nursing to have a genuine care for patients, to be willing to learn and ask questions and to graciously take criticism.
